Technically it is rather a big reboot, while officially this game is supposed to be a “successor” to Masquerade. So they decided to rather create a remake of the make.
It was becoming outdated, and hard to play in modern day. Why? Simply because the game had been conceived for the 1990s, and with the technological and social advances of the new millennium, the lore of the game could not keep it. The game lasted for more than a decade, however by the mid 2000s it was decided the game would stop. It even started the subgenre of Gothic known as “goth-punk”. This game was also a massive hit, creating an entire new love for the vampire world and a brand new branch of the vampire culture.
This role-playing game first released in 1991 was the beginning of a game line known as “World of Darkness”, each game reimagining an iconic of horror (werewolf, mummy, demon, witch…). If you remember, a long time ago, I posted a series of post about “Vampire: The Masquerade”.